Miss Kitty’s Villanelle

Cool grey light fades as another day breaks.
With quiet mewl and a gentle paw-pat,
The sun rises and my dreaming cat wakes.

Long nights and days bring weariness that makes
Rising a chore and brings no comfort that
Cool grey light fades as another day breaks.

My torpor ignored, she stretches awake,
Jumps from my bedside and scratches the mat.
The sun rises and my dreaming cat wakes.

I rub my eyes, make coffee and mistakes,
Stumble through the kitchen to feed my cat,
Cool grey light fades as another day breaks.

She rubs past my leg and wide-eyed takes
bold steps into a world I see as flat.
The sun rises and my dreaming cat wakes.

What a difference a cheerful viewpoint makes:
I can learn simple pleasures from a cat!
Cool grey light fades as another day breaks.
The sun rises and my dreaming cat wakes.