Something I frequently say, or write, is an assertion that data has a lifecycle and existence independent of the tools we use. I’ve never sat down to explore what that actually means.
Continue reading “The Independent Life of Data”Category: Technology
Things Technological
Occasionally Lightsailing
I don’t know whether the creators of AWS Lightsail were thinking about solar sails or whether they just thought it was a cool name, but doing some work with Lightsail got me thinking.

No more AWS Access Keys?
It’s too common these days that I struggle to find solid stretches of time to think about things, so I tend to make progress on tech chores while I’m on holiday. This is an example…

One of the things that has been on my mind is to follow AWS best practices, and try to eliminate the use of IAM access key and secret access key pairs from my laptop. It’s a good rule of thumb from AWS, but it turns out to be rather frustratingly poorly explained how you can go about it. So, here’s what I worked out for my purposes.
Two big caveats: this solution was for my own personal use cases, and may not match yours. Also, it’s quite Mac-centric, because that’s where I work. Your mileage may vary.
Continue reading “No more AWS Access Keys?”AWS MSK + Glue – Part One
Over December 2022 I got it into my head that I wanted my teams to skill up on the combination of Kafka and a Schema Register. There’s a ton of resources on introducing the use of Kafka, and some resources on using a Schema Registry, but I was not satisfied that there were any consolidated quick-starts that experienced engineers could use as templates for building real production solutions.
Continue reading “AWS MSK + Glue – Part One”Give me a shell and a place to stand…
I was thinking yesterday “hmm, I seem to have more AWS KMS keys than I’m actually using”. But how to find them when they are scattered across regions?
AWS Cli to the rescue. A trivial bash script, and voila a list of KMS Key ARNs across my entire account:
for REGION in $(aws --profile $PROF ec2 describe-regions | jq -r '.Regions[].RegionName')
aws --profile $PROF --region $REGION kms list-keys | jq '.Keys[].KeyArn'
The only complicated part was remembering how to use jq to parse JSON. The syntax for that never seems to stick in my head.
If you’re not in the habit of writing tiny shell scripts for automation — get the habit. The closer you get to the machine, the more power you have. Also — the lingua franca of Linux is ASCII text (ok, I guess technically UTF-8 now?) and getting comfortable piping results from one tool into another with appropriate text manipulation is a super power.
Zookeeper on Raspberry Pi
Ok, yeah, I probably don’t really need a Zookeeper cluster running in the house, but there are a few Raspberry Pi’s around that are mostly idle — we use them for streaming music from our various devices to the speakers in some of the rooms.
Continue reading “Zookeeper on Raspberry Pi”Wasabi and AWS S3 – A comparison
Wasabi is a very interesting and compelling competitor for AWS S3, but also potentially a superb collaborator.
What are Wasabi and S3 though? Stripping these services down to their barest bones, they are cloud-based, highly available and resilient object stores with effectively unlimited storage capacity. Digging a bit further, they are both key/value stores, which means that every binary object is uniquely identified by a key, in much the same way that a file on your laptop is uniquely identified by a folder path and file name.
Continue reading “Wasabi and AWS S3 – A comparison”Lies, Damned Lies and Graphs
It appears from discussion at Wikipedia that the catchphrase “lies, damned lies and statistics” is in fact unattributed. That’s a shame, because it’s a pretty important idea – statistics are very slippery, and in this time of COVID-19 I’m seeing how easily they can be misunderstood, and misused.
AWS EC2 Instance Connect – A very neat trick
One of the problems with cloud security compared to on-premise is that there is more risk that someone unauthorised will be able to gain access to your EC2 linux instances via SSH. That’s one of the reasons I’m keen on server less solutions, various X-As-A-Service services, and on not opening up a server for access by SSH at all. It’s easier to keep bad guys off a server if you don’t let anyone onto the server.
Continue reading “AWS EC2 Instance Connect – A very neat trick”SFTP on AWS
A reasonably common scenario for a data-focussed consultancy is that a client may want to ship sensitive data from their on-premise or cloud environment to your AWS environment. There are a number of reasons that they may want to copy the data into your environment: it may be difficult for you to work with it in-situ, the tools you need may not be inside their environment, their may be no ingress to their data stores from outside, or they may want to provide an extract of data rather than the raw sources. These are all valid scenarios under which the simplest scenario is to be able to dump the sensitive data into an S3 bucket under your control.