Terzanelle for a Mouse

Too quiet the house today for you are gone.
Now all the rooms are larger, and empty,
and echo to my heartbeat going on.

I seldom heard, you lived so quietly,
your soft songs that made a home from this house.
Now all the rooms are larger, and empty.

Fools will protest that you were just a mouse,
never able to know the subtle ways
your soft songs that made a home from this house.

Rushing past blindly, too fast through bleak days
beastlike children with shallow hearts and souls
never able to know the subtle ways.

With muffled tone the bell of my heart tolls,
unheard, unknown, unseen, unknown by these
beastlike children with shallow hearts and souls.

I sadly wish the tock of clock to cease:
Too quiet the house today for you are gone.
Now I search for a room that smells of peace
and echoes to my heartbeat going on.