Things I Won’t Miss: Item The Second

I was going to write a big rant about public transport in Brisbane, again, and even began writing one. But there’s really not much point. And I really should try to follow the dictum about remaining silent unless I have something nice to say. But I don’t.

So here it is. My message to Translink, and to Queensland Rail, and to Brisbane City Council and the Moreton Bay Regional Council: guys and gals, your transport system sucks. It’s broken, it’s annoying, it’s expensive, it’s slow, and it’s getting worse.

I’m pretty sure I’m going to be facing trains that are more crowded, probably more grubby, roads that are more packed, buses that are more rattly. But it won’t be in an environment where the service providers keep telling me that they’ve provided a great service, and that they mostly run to time and I shouldn’t expect perfection, and that the 15% fare increase so far this year is because I wanted it.

So no, I’m not going to miss any part of getting around Brisbane.

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