Swordplay ’11 From Around The Interwebz

There’s been some questions about how Swordplay ’11 went, so I’ll dump some quick links here to things that other folk have already said.

To begin with, Chris Slee has done a great write up saying pretty well everything I’ve either already said, or was going to say. Which saves me saying it. Scott MacDonald has also done a write-up at the ACA web site.

Over on YouTube, Marcus has started uploading the videos he took of the bouts involving GLECA folk, which covers most of the “finals”, and Bob Dodson has put up the long sword and open sword finals.

I cannot for the life of me recall who was in the top 4 of each of the three parts of the contest, although I do recall that it included Ross, Justin and Bob from ACA, James and Mark from SCA, and Cassian from GLECA. My apologies to anyone I’ve missed, my memory is not what it used to be.

With respect to how PSSF members faired in the tournament:
1) Ben went in the sword tournament only, and got knocked out in the first round in a bout with James/Kenji-san;
2) Delia went in the long sword tournament and got knocked out in her first round by me;
3) Delia went in the sword tournament and got knocked out in the first round by Ross from ACA;
4) I went in the long sword tournament and got knocked out in the third round by Cassian;
5) I went in the sword tournament and got knocked out in the second round by Bob.

I hope to post to other videos and photos later.

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