Author: Robert Hook
Miss Kitty’s Villanelle
Three Graces
Rondeau for a girl
All The Cool Kids Are Doing It
Herewith the archetypal first post. This journal (at the time of writing barely configured) is not to be confused with
- Version 1 of The Occasional Masthead;
- The iBlog tests;
- The manually managed journal.
The Wizard
The Wizard speaks the tongue of birds,
he knows the growth of trees.
With his hands he can weave the storms,
and lightning wreathes his brow.
His words teach the elders,
delight the children,
charm the girls.
But he cannot shield
the young men’s dreams
from the wind that carries
white sails to the shore
of his sere and ancient land.
It is said,
Showed his wonder and excitement
By dancing
Running naked
In the Syracusan streets.
You and me
Though, know that,
Our findings of self are not
Worth shouting,
Or displaying,
Or indeed worth believing in.