Finally got to spend some time in the shed – interspersed with dealing with the dog , and a bunch of running around. We got the roof rack on the Panda early Saturday morning, went Wickes (which is the English equivalent of the Australian Bunnings) and loaded up the roof rack with ½” ply and a dozen 2″x4″x8′. The timber calculations were… rough… so I was not sure that I would get two benches out of what I had or not. So I spent about 10 hours over two days turning the pile of bits into the first of two putting-stuff-on-top-of benches. At the end, I found I had estimated correctly, and I have exactly enough timber left to make a second one, which I will begin next week. This week has to be about preparations for the Towton walk.
The pile of timber started like this – some framing pine and some plywood.

And the trick of course is that I needed a bench to make a bench. I am anticipating this will be the overall pattern for a while – build the thing to allow the next thing to be built.

It’s deliberately a very stable bench, but not one that I want to hammer heavily on – this one will get the Leigh router jig attached, and be mainly for that, and for tool sharpening. The other one will be the “put things on top of this to dry when gluing up” bench.
I am hoping within a few months I will have this all up and functioning. Next step – the second bench. The step after that is to get all the tools cleaned and sharpened and stored or hung properly.